THE WESTERN FRONT VOL. I & II Drawings By Muirhead Bone Bone (1876-1953) was Britain's first official war artist. Commissioned as an honorary Second Lieutenant, he arrived in France during the Battle of the Somme, serving with the Allied forces on the Western Front and also with the Royal Navy for a time. He produced many drawings of the war. Introduction by Field-Marshall Sir Douglas Haig 1917 The destruction caused by war, the wide areas of devastation, the vast mechanical agencies essential in war, both for transport and the offensive, the masses of supplies required, and the wonderful cheerfulness and indomitable courage of the soldiers under varying climatic conditions, are worthy subjects for the artist who aims at recording for all time the spirit of the age in which he has lived. It has been said that the portrait and the picture are invaluable aids to the right reading of history. From this point of view I welcome, on behalf of the Army that I have the honor to command, this series of drawings, as a permanent record in pencil of the duties which our soldiers have been called upon to perform, and the quality and manner of its performance. HARDBOUND 1917 · New York by BONE, MUIRHEAD New York: George H. Doran Company, 1917. Hardbound. Very Good Covers